North West Network Event - Creative Ideas for Reflective Practice - 5th March 2024

Creative ideas for reflective practice: ideas of how we can use creativity and how we can benefit from it, e.g. use of metaphor, creative writing and journaling, coaching cards, drawing, letting thoughts flow while walking in nature. In short, a creative coaching exploration session!


Guest Speaker
Kim Gowland is a coach working mainly with cultural and public sector leaders, providing 1-1 Executive and Leadership Coaching. She also runs her own signature coaching programme Brilliant Transitions, supporting clients to navigate times of major change and transition, so they feel more confident and inspired in their careers and wider lives.  She regularly uses creative tools in her work, to bring about new reflections and insights, for her clients and herself. Kim is also an Associate Coach for North West Employers and Lois Burton Ltd.

Before setting up Kim Gowland Coaching in 2019,  Kim spent 25 years working in museums and galleries, in marketing, audience development and leadership roles. She holds the ILM7 Certificate in Executive Coaching and Mentoring. 

She is based in Manchester. In her spare time she loves meditation, yoga and pilates, walking in nature, reading, travel adventures and being inspired by great poets, artists and philosophers.

We welcoming existing EMCC UK NW members, our peers from further afield, and coaches who may be curious to learn more about the value of EMCC and the NW Network

Event Hosts

Gail Porter
Gail has a successful track record of leadership in the public and voluntary sector, at a national, regional and local level. She is also an experienced and accredited coach and facilitator. Gail has direct experience of the positive impact of restorative practice, coaching and mentoring and her interests include supporting individuals and organisations to work through periods of change; the development of communication skills, style and confidence; and working with individuals and groups to develop personal and professional resilience. 

Penny Aspden
Penny has enjoyed a successful career in leadership roles in dynamic organisations across sectors. Much of her work has been about change; supporting leaders respond to challenge and ambiguity in new ways. After leading the people transformation of several mergers, Penny now works independently as an experienced, accredited Executive Coach. Penny is dedicated to helping other leaders and organisations thrive by unlocking and maximising their own and their peoples’ potential, whilst navigating change and transitions.


This event is free for EMCC UK members and £12.50 + VAT for non-members. 

For non-members,  If this is your first EMCC UK event registration, please create a user account to register for this event to register, your contact details will only be used for the purposes of your event registrations and related communications.   

For EMCC UK members, please sign in using your login username and password, and register. 

Please note that when registering for an EMCC UK event, you must complete the checkout process fully through the shopping cart even if there is no balance to pay.  You will receive an order confirmation email upon successful registration.  If you do not receive a confirmation email, it may be that your registration has not been completed successfully.

Joining the meeting
To join this meeting, please sign into our website and view this event page up to 30 minutes prior to the event start time.  You may then click on the 'Join Meeting Now' button at the bottom of the page to access the meeting.  If you have any questions regarding registration for this event, please contact [email protected] in office hours and they will be able to assist you. 

We look forward to seeing you on the day.


05/03/2024 16:30 - 18:00
GMT Standard Time

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